
Finding the Right Yoga Class for You

2016-03-26 12:50:17
From The Book:  
Chair Yoga For Dummies
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Starting anything new can feel overwhelming, but choosing the Yoga class that fits you is easy when you take time to evaluate your Yoga needs. So how do you know the right class when you see it?

When you visit a Yoga center or classroom, pay attention to your intuitive feelings about the place. Consider how the staff treats you and how you respond to the people attending class. Stroll around the facility and feel its overall energy. First impressions are often (although not always) accurate.

When checking out a potential class to join, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the classroom's atmosphere calming and inviting?

  • What's my gut response to the teacher?

  • Do I want a male or female teacher?

  • Does the teacher have at least 200 hours of training from an accredited school, or the equivalent from a well-respected master teacher?

  • Does the teacher inspire trust for students' safety as they practice?

  • Does the class provide an appropriate amount of intensity and challenge for my fitness level?

  • Does the teacher or school have a good reputation?

  • How do I respond to other students?

  • How big are the classes, and can I get proper individual attention from the teacher?

  • Would I be happy coming here regularly?

  • Do I feel better after the class than I did before the class?

  • Can I afford the classes?

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Larry Payne, PhD, is the president of The International Association of Yoga Therapists. He founded Samata International Yoga and Health Center and is the author of Yoga After 50 For Dummies.

Georg Feuerstein, PhD, was internationally respected for his contribution to Yoga research and the history of consciousness.