
Exercise During Your First Trimester

2021-09-02 18:36:54
Fit Pregnancy For Dummies
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During the first trimester (weeks 1–13), you want to continue whatever physical activities you’ve been doing. If you’re new to exercise, get into exercise very gently. Either way, consider the following potential modifications and tips during this trimester:
  • If your breasts are sore, you experience morning sickness (or nausea/vomiting any time of day), or you’re experiencing extreme fatigue, cut back on your routine or forgo exercise until you feel better.
  • After 12 weeks, you can modify supine exercises by using a wedge or pillows to raise your upper body off the floor.
  • If you were exercising before you got pregnant, you can probably wear your sports bras throughout much of the first trimester. You may find, however, that at the end of this trimester, you need a larger size. If you haven’t yet invested in a good sports bra, go to a sporting goods store, running store, or fitness store and try on several until you find one that’s comfortable.

Don’t buy too many: You’ll quickly outgrow them, and because sports bras are made of fast-drying material, you can quickly wash one or two out, as needed, and wear them over and over.

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