
Vitamins Supply the Nutrients Your Pregnant Body Needs

2021-09-02 19:41:09
Fit Pregnancy For Dummies
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During pregnancy, you're literally forming a new life within your body — an act that requires more than just carbs, protein, and fat. Vitamins and minerals are also important members of the nutrition team, playing many different roles in the growth and development of your baby.

A supplement is one way to ensure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you and your little one need throughout your pregnancy. You find most, if not all, of the nutrients you need to supplement in a basic prenatal vitamin.

Iron can cause nausea and constipation in some women. If you're one of them, skip the prenatal vitamin and at least take a separate folic acid supplement (with between 600 and 800 micrograms) or a general multivitamin with less iron.

Depending on your diet, you may also want to take extra calcium, iron, vitamin D, or DHA omega-3. Estimate how much of each nutrient you're getting in your diet and talk to your doctor about getting your blood values checked for certain nutrients, such as iron and vitamin D. Then supplement your diet with additional nutrients as needed.

A supplement is just that — a supplement to your diet. In other words, don't eat junk and think the vitamins you're taking will be enough to keep you and your baby healthy. Nutritious food is still important!

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