
Use Foreplay to Set the Mood throughout the Day

2016-03-26 14:04:12
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Foreplay is probably one of the most misunderstood words in the sexual vocabulary. In fact, when some men hear the word foreplay, they still think of golf instead of sex. But slowly and surely, the male population is learning that foreplay is as important to good sex as using a 9-iron is to good golf.

In its simplest form, foreplay means the touching and caressing that goes on between two people just before intercourse. Foreplay helps both partners experience the physical manifestations of arousal necessary for sexual satisfaction.

Foreplay shouldn't take place just in the two or three minutes before you and your partner have intercourse. It should begin hours, if not days, before you plan to have sex. Here are just a few ways of how to work foreplay into the small moments of everyday life:

  • Sneak a suggestive note into her purse or his pocket before work, or put sexy sticky notes where they'll get the most attention.

  • Subtly show him that you're wearing your sexiest lingerie under your business suit.

  • Drop in at work with a picnic lunch complete with strawberries and whipped cream.

  • Send her a dozen roses, one at a time.

  • Text message love notes.

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About the book author:

Pierre Lehu has been Dr. Ruth Westheimer's "Minister of Communications" since 1981.