
Using Great Visual Aids during Speechmaking

2016-03-26 21:21:42
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Visual aids are a great way of reinforcing ideas that you are trying to get across in a speech. Take a look at these pointers to help you prepare and present your visual aids in the most effective way:

  1. Make PowerPoint presentations or overheads easy to read by avoiding too many words per line, too many colours, and designs that are too busy or too small.

  2. Check the text for spelling errors.

  3. Take advantage of computer software templates that help you design more interesting visual aids.

  4. Allow yourself plenty of time to design your PowerPoint presentation or overheads.

  5. Number all your overheads so they’re easy to follow.

  6. Check the working condition of the overhead projector – you can’t check it too many times!

  7. Bring an extension lead and adapter in case a huge distance exists between the nearest socket and where you want the projector to be.

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