You can maintain a blog as a highly dynamic part of your website that might attract investor interest. A blog post is part press release, part editorial, and part entertainment. The best posts include all three elements.
Blogs can be articles, videos, photos, or any online mixed media. A blog is a way to convey how you think and what you are thinking about. As such, it can be valuable information for investors who want to get to know who you are and what drives you.
Your blog can be a separate site, using one of the popular blogging platforms like WordPress,, TypePad Micro, or Most of these platforms are free and can be customized with your brand’s images and colors.
You can get started in a few hours, and start blogging right away. You may also integrate your blog into your website in order to drive more traffic directly to your site and to minimize the work of maintaining multiple sites in different locations.
You must contribute regularly to a blog, or it loses its purpose — and audience. The point is to keep people coming back to your website as a way to build a community around you. Even if you don’t have a product on the shelves yet, you’ll have people who care about your company and your product as soon as it is available.
It’s not uncommon to see blogs with two or three entries over the first two months that just go blank after that. Make sure that you establish a regular blogging schedule that never has gaps and has posts at least once a week (the ideal).
Tools are available that allow you to write five or ten blog posts at one time and to schedule their release on a regular basis so that you can keep your postings spaced out without overwhelming or underwhelming your readers.