While you’re trying to grow your networks for crowdfund investing, remember that other companies are doing the same thing. If a company helps you out, make sure to respond in kind.
Share posts
Online sharing occurs when you repost something that someone else has posted. People usually post things because they want them to be shared; they want as many people as possible to see what they have to say. Businesses post things about their products or services, about upcoming events, and about other relevant content. By sharing something another business posts, you help it extend its reach.
The more you help other people and businesses by sharing their information, the more they’ll return the favor. If you’re consistently helping other people, they’ll feel obliged to help you. Their appreciation will help you to grow your network so you can reach out to more potential investors.
If an individual or business shares your campaign, all its contacts will be much more likely to look at your campaign because the information came from a trusted source.
Retweet often on Twitter
Very similar to sharing, retweeting occurs specifically on Twitter. The unwritten spamming rules of social media are different for every social network, and on Twitter you can get away with a lot more than you can on Facebook. When sharing on Facebook, you need to make sure you aren’t sharing too often. On Twitter, however, tweeting and retweeting multiple times a day is completely okay.
Find people and businesses that are related to what you’re doing and repost their material. Learn how to tag them in posts that they may be interested in, and you’ll start to see your list of followers grow.
Like posts on Facebook
Liking is what happens when you “like” something that someone else posts on Facebook. It’s an easy, unobtrusive way to show your support for that person or business. Don’t be shy with your likes — they can come back to help you.
Comment on other companies social network pages
If you were to rate what businesses like you to do on their social network pages, the most important thing would be to submit comments. That’s because comments demonstrate a level of engagement with the company that goes far beyond just liking it.
When you post comments on other business’s sites, make sure your grammar and spelling are perfect. (You don’t want other professionals to read your comment and laugh at your lack of grammar skills or poor spelling.) Also, make sure that you’re providing good feedback. Don’t leave negative or long-winded comments.
Some social media platforms provide much more room for conversation than others, and sometimes these conversations can turn into arguments. Don’t let yourself get sucked into arguments online! They look bad for all people involved. Your online reputation is extremely important when you’re trying to raise money through crowdfund investing. Always keep this fact in mind when leaving a comment.