
Types of Rewards Useful in Business Gamification

2016-03-26 15:48:30
Getting Started in Business Plans For Dummies, Australian Edition
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You can attract users to your gamified business website using various types of rewards. Arguably, business gamification rewards are in three categories, recognition, privileges, and monetary:

  • Recognition: Pretty much everyone wants to be recognized for their achievements. Recognition for completing a task or accomplishing a goal not only feeds this basic human need, it also encourages engagement and increases repetition — both of which are probably in your list of business objectives. In a gamified system, you can recognize your users by conferring reputation and status.

  • Privileges: Some users are motivated by the promise of privileges. These might include early/VIP access, moderation powers, or stronger votes.

  • Monetary rewards: Certain users may hold out for more tangible benefits. These benefits are typically monetary in nature, but could also involve free stuff. A few examples of monetary rewards include discounts, free shipping, prizes, and redemptions.

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About the book author:

Kris Duggan is a thought leader of innovative ways to incorporate game mechanics and real-time loyalty programs into web and mobile experiences.

Kate Shoup is the author of numerous crafting books, including Not Your Mama's Beading, and Rubbish: Reuse Your Refuse.