Digital asset management (DAM) companies provide a tool to help you manage your brand assets online. DAMs provide a central repository for company assets such as documents, photos, and videos. If you have a small shop, you may not need a system like this. But if you have multiple assets and multiple locations, using a tool like this can be a productive way to help your employees manage their work.
WebDAM, shown here, is a well-known digital asset management company.

It has a cloud-based system that makes it easy for your employees to manage your brand assets from anywhere.
IntelligenceBank helps companies manage digital assets.

The company, which is noted for its pleasing visual interface, provides a calendar and planner.
If you're looking for major brand assets like logos needed for blog posts and other content, you can probably find them at Find Guidelines on the Web.

This is a portal site run by Arno Di Nunzio, whose purpose for the site is “to ease the life of us graphic designers by creating the largest collection of brand guidelines in one convenient central location, with just the right amount of functionalities.” It’s a great resource. Rather than have to go to each site individually, you can find the assets you need in one place.