
Which Content Should You Use to Market to Millennials on Twitter?

2017-09-21 11:52:49
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After you decide your tone and your ratios for the Millennial audience, you can apply them to a variety of content types on Twitter that make up the mix you want to share. Certain types of content will resonate with Millennials much better than others on Twitter. Following are some content types to consider:
  • Humor: Millennials love to laugh. That has been made clear with the abundance of new media trends that have made their way into the mainstream. These trends include such things as memes, GIFs, and videos. Thematically, you may want to consider incorporating humor into your content mix where it’s appropriate. That isn’t to say that you need to shift away from the voice you’ve created. If humor doesn’t mix well with your brand, then don’t force it. Twitter, by nature, is ripe for brief, comedic content. If you can add humor to the mix, do it.
  • Visuals: If a visual accompaniment like a GIF or an image is available for a tweet, you should consider it. Millennials primarily use Twitter on mobile devices where visual components are displayed more prominently, so your tweet has a much better chance of being seen as a user scrolls through his feed.
  • Expertise: Sharing your expertise is an essential part of any successful content strategy and should be included in the mix. Not only is it great content for your audience, but it highlights your industry-leading expertise as well.
  • Offers: Millennials are expressly on Twitter to receive specials and discounts ahead of the general public. Share them whenever possible.
  • Topical information: Twitter’s brief, real-time nature means that if a broad conversation is taking place online, your audience may be a part of it. Jump into conversations using a hashtag trending in your network. You can also determine trending topics from your audience analysis. Simply cross-reference the interest categories with trending topics to find an opportunity to participate in a timely conversation.
  • Information about causes: Social issues and causes are themes that are found at the root of many Millennial conversations. Showing your support for an issue can be a powerful means of connecting with your audience. However, many of these topics can be divisive. Decide whether to participate in these conversations on a case-by-case basis.
  • Customer service: Social care or customer service on social media was first popularized using Twitter. Now, of course, social care takes place across all media. However, Twitter is still seen as one of the crucial cornerstones of any successful social care strategy. Offering assistance and providing service over Twitter is well-received by Millennials who prefer new media outreach to traditional forms of customer service.

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Corey Padveen is an industry- leading marketing data expert with extensive experience building strategies and working with brands in a variety of industries to execute measurable growth campaigns. He is a partner at t2 Marketing International, an award-winning marketing consultancy that has worked with some of the largest brands in the world.