It will benefit you to find out how to create content that appeals to Millennials on each of your active channels. Here are some universal tips when developing content on various media:
- Get to know your audience on each channel. Millennials are going to engage with brands and content differently on every channel. Take what you learn in your audience analysis and use it as a universal model for your Millennial audiences. Make sure to note subtle differences in data from one media type to another.
- Create content that is unique to each of your selected channels. Create content that is unique to each channel’s specific characteristics as well as each of the micro-objectives for each of your selected media.
- Focus your content on the intended action you want to drive on each channel. As you create this unique content, you want to ensure that each channel’s content connects to the objective you hope to achieve. Whether it relates to awareness, consideration, or action, everything you create should direct your Millennial audience to engage in the way that your conversion path dictates.
- Quickly showcase the purpose of your content. Why are you sharing what you’re sharing? Millennials have a short attention span and a lot of content options. Keep your content short and to the point and highlight why Millennials should engage with it. What does your audience gain by engaging with your content?
- Be visual wherever it is possible. If there’s an option to be visual, take it. A visual piece of content is easier to digest and is more noticeable in a news feed on both the desktop and mobile devices.
- Think mobile-first in every case. Millennials are generally engaging on most media platforms with mobile devices. You want to be as visual as possible and think about how your content looks on these devices.