iGoogle offers many options for your online marketing needs. One option is to add a blog search result. Rather than follow just one specific blog, you can track what most blogs are saying, all at one time, by using Google Blog Search. Running a search for your company name, for example, shows every blog entry mentioning your company. Here’s how to subscribe:
Go to Google.
Execute a search for something that interests you, e.g. eucalyptus leaves.
Click the More link on the left-hand side of the page and then choose Blogs.
Search for your organization’s name.
Enclose the name in double quotes. Using quotes narrows your search result to search for a phrase match on the words you entered, whether you have a one-word or a ten-word name.
Click the magnifying glass icon.
To see the most recent results first, click the Sort by Date link, in the middle of the left-hand navigation bar.
Click the RSS link at the bottom of the page.
Go back to your iGoogle homepage.
You see the search result in a nice, neat box. When iGoogle adds a new blog post to this search result, you see it here.
You can add other search results, too. Examples include
Competitor names
Names of individuals in your company
Names of individuals at competitors
Product names
Your web address
Common typographical errors for all elements in this list.