
How to Add Facebook Built Apps to Your Business Page

|  Updated:  
2017-02-09 18:01:40
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Facebook has a set of apps built for Pages that you can use in your marketing campaign: Photos, Events, Notes, and Video. These apps are available as soon as you create a Page, but they may not show up in the featured app space. You need to add them first. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Go to your Admin Panel, and click Edit Page.

    A drop-down panel will appear.

  2. Click the Update Info link.

    Your main Page dashboard appears, and you can see more choices in your left sidebar, including an Apps link.

  3. Click Apps.

    This link shows you all the apps that are available to add to your Page. If this Page is brand new, you see only Photos, Events, Notes, and Video.

  4. If you want to add any of these apps, click the Edit Settings link next to it.

    In the Edit Notes Settings dialog box that appears, you see two tabs: Profile and Additional Permissions.

    Edit Notes Settings dialog box appears when you click apps.
  5. On the Profile tab, click Add (next to Available, to the right of Tab).

    The app is added to your featured apps area.

  6. Click the Additional Permissions tab, and decide whether you want to have this app post to your Timeline, too.

    All of the Facebook-built apps have this additional permission check box. If you select it, whatever happens through this app, it creates a post on your Page. In most cases, you want to select this check box.

  7. Click Okay.

    Edit Notes Settings dialog box allows you to give the app any additional permissions.

After you add any of these Facebook-built apps, you need to go back to your Timeline to see them. You do that by clicking the View Page button in the top-right corner of the Page.

Facebook doesn’t give you the ability to change the image or the hyperlinked text at the bottom of these apps. The image is connected to the last item created with that app.

The Photo app shows the latest uploaded or tagged image; the Notes app shows a lined paper image with some of the words on the note; the Video app shows a screen shot of your latest video upload; and the Events app shows the image you’ve uploaded to the latest event listing.

The hyperlinked text below these boxes is only Photos, Events, Notes, or Video. You can change the image for any custom apps you add, and you can change the hyperlinked text, too.

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