When at all possible, add images to your blog posts. This is important for social media marketers because images break up the text and help to illustrate a point. They also help to catch the eye of readers rather than scanners.
Of course, you can’t just use any old image you find.
It’s equally as simple to upload images to embed in your blog post:
Save the image you want to use.
Click the image uploading tool.
The image uploading tool is usually located at the top of your blog’s dashboard.
Click Select Files and choose the image from your own files.
Choose your alignment and size.
Most bloggers prefer a right alignment for their images, as it’s more eye catching. Don’t size your image too big because it will take too long to load and will take away from the text. A thumbnail-sized photo is only good when you want readers to click to a bigger image. Choose a size that people can see at a glance but isn’t too big or too small.
Write a caption for your image.
Describe the image as it relates to your blog post and use SEO if it sounds natural.
Click Insert into Post.
Your image now appears in your blog post.
When you save your image to your own computer, use keywords. Keywords catch the attention of the search engines, and you can receive some good traffic from Google Images from folks looking for the same type of illustration.