In web marketing, you’re likely to employ several media and messages over a period of days, weeks, months, and years to communicate everything necessary to attract and retain enough customers.
Delivering your messages by combining different media is an effective way to market your business, but you’ll probably find it more affordable to lean heavily on a few communication media where delivering your message results in the highest return. E-mail is one such medium because it’s cost-effective and the returns are generally outstanding.
Keeping the design elements and personality of your e-mails and other messages similar or identical over time — branding — reinforces each of your messages and makes each successive message more memorable to your audience.
Consumers are more likely to respond positively to your e-mail messages when they can identify your brand and when the content of each message feels familiar to them. Plan all your marketing messages as if they were one unit to ensure that each message contains design elements that become familiar to your audience when multiple messages are delivered.
Here are some branding ideas to help you give all your marketing messages a familiar look and feel:
Make your logo identifiable and readable in all types of print and digital formats, with color schemes that look good online and in print.
In general, your logo and colors should look consistent on
Order forms
E-mail sign-up forms
Your website
Business cards
Include your company name in all your marketing.
Incorporate your name in
E-mail From lines
E-mail addresses
Your e-mail signature
Online directories
Your blog
Format your messages consistently across media.
When repeating messages in multiple media, make sure that the following elements are formatted consistently in your e-mails:
Contact information
Calls to action
Sending commercial e-mail to complete strangers is illegal. To keep on the right side of the law, combine at least one other medium with e-mail to initiate relationships with prospective customers.