Google AdWords’ offers basic ad scheduling to web marketers. The Ad Scheduling option is the most complex system for adjusting your campaign costs to different traffic patterns. You’ll find this tool on the campaign settings page of each of your campaigns. By default, all campaigns are set to show your ads every day, all day, until the budget is depleted.
Google allows you to choose whether your ads run every day of the week, or just on weekdays or weekends. You can also choose the times of day when those ads run.
To enable basic ad scheduling in Google, follow these steps. If you’re using an automatic bidding method, such as enhanced CPC, this feature is unavailable to you.
Open the campaign for which you want to enable this feature, and click the Settings tab.
Scroll down to the Advanced Settings section.
In the Schedule section, click the blue Edit link next to “Show ads all days and hours.”
You’ll see a chart that shows when your ads are currently scheduled to run and the time zone that your account is in. Make sure to keep that in mind when choosing the best times to run ads. A start time of 8 a.m. EST would be 5 a.m. PST, and an end time of 5 p.m. EST would turn ads off on the West Coast at 2 p.m. PST.
Next to the day you want to change the ad schedule for, click the times you want the ad to run.
To utilize this schedule for other days, click the Copy button at the bottom of the scheduling box and select either All Days or All Weekdays. If you’re running ads on the weekend, you don’t have the option to copy the schedule to weekdays; however you can copy your preferred schedule to the entire weekend.
Click the Save button.
You return to the Edit Campaign Settings page.