If you use a web designer outside your company for your business marketing, you can easily transfer copies of all your current HTML files, images, and photos by transferring your files with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) software.
It is important to keep copies of all the work being done for your company as backup in case something happens and the person running the website is unable to continue doing so.
Here are the steps for FTP, but you should have your hosting company or designer walk you through the backup process if this is your first time:
Download the free (LE) version of Core FTP (Windows) or Cyberduck, which is also free.
After the program downloads, click Open to begin the setup wizard.
The screen defaults to the Site Manager.
In the Site Manager, enter a title related to your site.
Fill in the Host, Username, and Password fields as supplied by your hosting company.
Click Connect.
You see all your website files on the right and your computer files on the left.
Click the main directory on the right side; when you see an arrow pointing left, click it.
Your website files begin transferring to your computer.