A complete web marketing strategy makes use of all electronic media, including mobile phones and other devices. Some keys to mobile marketing success include these pointers:
Don't be blinded by youth. Mobile marketing is applicable to all ages. Provide value, and everyone benefits.
Set objectives and success measures. Before you start, know why you're running a program and what you want to accomplish.
Plan for every customer lifecycle. Mobile applies to awareness, acquisition, loyalty and retention, customer care, and retirement.
Get permission and build trust. Always get permission first from mobile subscribers before engaging them on their mobile phone.
Take your time and test it. Give yourself time to test your mobile marketing initiatives and have them certified by the wireless carriers when necessary.
Start now; don't wait to learn. Mobile is becoming a primary channel for customer engagement, so learn to use it now!
Be creative. Mobile subscribers want value, information, and entertainment. Don't limit yourself to just holding steady.
Launch your mobile marketing programs, test them, review the measures, and then do it better next time. Mobile marketing, like any other practice, takes time to learn.