Successful web marketing ends in selling products or services, and these sales rely on the transfer of money, often through the transfer of credit card information.
You must have an arrangement with a company to accept credit card information on your website for your online transactions, using an Internet-capable merchant account. This special kind of merchant account is designed to accept and track credit card transactions over the Internet. This Internet-capable merchant account could be PayPal, or you could get your own through a bank.
To set up your own merchant account, check out Lew Kelly with Expedient Financial Services, Inc. Lew has been selling merchant accounts for more than ten years. His phone number is 303-256-7501. He gives a free consultation by phone if you’re out of state, or an in-person visit if you’re within metro Denver and the Front Range of Colorado. For more information about merchant accounts, go to Here Next Year.
Using only PayPal at the beginning for accepting payments online is a good idea while you get your feet wet with online transactions. As soon as possible, though, get your own merchant account. Some website visitors may simply not buy from you if you accept payments only through PayPal.
Some might be fearful of being the victim of PayPal’s next hacking, while others will question whether you’re really an established business. To be fair, if you don’t offer a PayPal payment option, some potential customers may not buy from you, either, because they pay for everything online via PayPal.