One of the problems with joint venturing in web marketing is that it’s not new anymore. Internet-based joint ventures started as far back as 1995. Today, anyone with a substantial list and a visible profile probably has 50 to 100 people per month or more clamoring after him to do a joint venture.
Start with smaller joint ventures. Follow these simple guidelines to locate joint-venture partners, and you will have plenty of opportunities to go after the big guys after you build a track record:
Attend networking events, seminars, and association meetings. You need to meet people and let them know you’re looking for joint-venture hosts to help take your product to new levels.
Create a 20-second elevator pitch that announces what your product is, the conversion rates you’re getting from your website, and how much a potential joint-venture host might make with a list of 10,000 or more subscribers that you both would be promoting, too. Numbers talk, and joint-venture hosts listen to numbers.
Participate in online forums. You probably won’t find T. Harv Ecker or Anthony Robbins participating in online forums much, but you’d be surprised how many multimillionaires do spend an hour or more daily offering advice online (anonymously, of course). Add a signature line in your forum bio stating that you’re seeking joint-venture hosts, add a link to your website, and start participating in forum discussions.
Ask your affiliates and clients for referrals. Your affiliates and clients likely know someone who could be a possible joint-venture host for you. Ask them what vendors they use who might be able to roll out your product or service as a value-added offer to their customers.
Finding joint-venture hosts isn’t really difficult. You’ll discover that just by using the three preceding resources alone. The trick is to convince the right hosts to do business with you and make things happen. You need to have a plan and present it well.