Good marketing-focused web design is more than adding fancy colors and a visually exploding, movie trailer–like splash page; the layout needs to complement your branding while also inspiring visitors to take action.
The “action” is that your visitor either clicks one of the links provided in the layout or progresses through the content on the page. Google is a good example. It uses a minimalist design, but its layout is very strategically created to provide only the information you want in a quick and easy way. When people think of visiting Google, they know to expect simple results — fast.
One of the easiest ways to get a simple, clean design is to use a template. If you use WordPress for your website, you can find predesigned WordPress themes such as WooThemes, Template Monster, and Website Templates. You’ll see hundreds of website designs that you can purchase for as little as $20, or you can simply get design ideas and have your designer create a more unique look for you.
Every page of any website should feature multiple opportunities for a visitor to take action of some kind. Those opportunities might include
Buying a product for sale on your website
Calling you for more information
Signing up to receive a free report
Connecting with you on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media
Visiting another page of your website
In addition to the images, text, colors, and words displayed on your site, the placement of these key components is the most significant decision you make on your entire website.