How many websites have you visited where you find yourself pulling out your credit card ready to buy the marketed product, but the sales page never gives you a link or an Add to Cart button to click? Make it easy for your visitors to take the next step with you:
Display a phone number in plain view on every page of your website.
Use different sizes of both links and buttons throughout your copy to take customers to order forms.
Test different text on buttons and links, and then monitor which brings the best conversion rate.
You have two ways to test the effectiveness of links and buttons on a sales page. First, you can use Google Analytics to track the exact path a website visitor takes through your website from the page he enters through the entire ordering system. The other way is by split testing (or A/B testing) during a Google AdWords campaign.
Keep your text links blue and underlined. People are used to clicking links that are traditionally formatted as blue and underlined. Use a variety of graphic images to direct your visitors what to do next.
Try providing a form at the end of your copy instead of links to other pages. The less you force people to click things to get to the next step, the more chance you have of them taking that next step.
Reduce the number of distractions. For other pages of your site, it’s natural to offer navigation buttons, special offers on a variety of products, and other news items. When it comes to a sales page, though, reduce the distractions so that a visitor isn’t tempted to deviate from the buying process.
For an effective result, add a red border around your Buy Now buttons. Then add an effect where the red border turns green when you mouse over the button. Your conversion rates will increase. That just goes to show that the most minute changes to your sales page can make a difference in your sales outcome.