
Project 2019 For Dummies Cheat Sheet

2022-02-25 13:42:23
Software Project Management For Dummies
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Project 2019, the most recent incarnation of Microsoft’s popular project management software, offers a tremendous wealth of functionality. Microsoft Project 2019 however, probably isn’t like any other software you’ve ever used, so mastering it can seem a daunting process. This Cheat Sheet provides you with tips and tricks for doing what you do every day as a project manager.

How to create your project schedule

Microsoft Project 2019 makes it easy to set your project schedule. In just ten easy steps, you will be on your way to project management success!

  1. Enter the project information, such as the project name and start date.
  2. Develop a work breakdown structure to organize your work.
  3. Enter the tasks needed to create the WBS deliverables.
    Don’t forget to indicate if you want manual or auto-scheduled tasks, and the task type.
  4. Link your tasks to show dependencies and create a network diagram
  5. Enter the resources who will work on your project, their cost/rate, and the time they have available.
  6. Estimate the effort or duration for each task.
  7. Assign resources to each task.
  8. Resolve any resource conflicts.
  9. Balance schedule, cost, resource, and performance constraints to meet stakeholder expectations.
  10. Baseline your schedule.

Shortcut keys

Microsoft Project 2019 maximizes efficiency as you manage projects — but Project 2019 shortcuts also save you time at the keyboard. Here are some shortcut keys you’ll use all the time when building and working with a Project schedule.

Keystroke Result
Ctrl+N Opens a new blank Project
Alt+Home Moves to the beginning of the project
Alt+End Moves the end of a project
Alt+Right Arrow Moves the timeline to the right
Alt+Left Arrow Moves the timeline to the left
Shift+F2 Opens the Task Information dialog box
Ctrl+F Displays the Find dialog box
Ctrl+Z Undoes the previous action
Ctrl+P Displays the Print preview in the Backstage
Ctrl+S Saves the file
Alt+Shift+Hyphen (–) Hides subtasks
Alt+Shift+Plus Sign (+) Shows subtasks

Helpful websites for honing Project 2019 skills

Whether you consider project management an art or skill, Microsoft Project 2019 helps you do it better. Enhance your Microsoft Project expertise by visiting websites that offer templates and third-party add-ins for Microsoft Project and other project management information. Check out the following websites:

·         Project Management Institute

·         ProjectManagement.com

·         Templates.office.com

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Cynthia Snyder Dionisio is a project management consultant, trainer, and author. She also leads the team that creates the PMBOK Guide, the standard for project management that is published by the Project Management Institute. She has written more than a dozen books, including A Project Manager's Book of Forms and A Project Manager's Book of Tools and Techniques.