Etsy enables you to organize your items by section. What if, when you went to your grocery store, everything was set out haphazardly — with the milk alongside the charcoal briquettes, the kitty litter next to the radishes, the cheese by the sardines? You’d never be able to find everything you needed to buy! That’s why grocery stores are organized into sections and aisles.
Why should your Etsy shop be any different? For example, if you sell different types of items — say, magnets, notebooks, and picture frames — you can use sections to organize your shop by item.
Even if you don’t sell different types of items — maybe you’re all about knit caps — you can use sections to organize your goods by, say, yarn type, size, or price. You’re allowed ten sections in all, as well as the default All Items section that’s available in every shop.
To create a section, follow these steps:
If it’s not open already, open the Shop Name page by clicking the Your Shop link along the top of any Etsy page.
The Shop Name page opens.
Click the Add Shop Sections link on the left side of the page.
The Shop Sections page opens.
Type a name for the new section in the Create a Section field.
The name can contain as many as 24 characters.
In addition to using your shop title and shop announcement, Google uses your section titles as keywords for search. Opt for section titles that double as likely keywords.
Click the Save button.
Etsy creates a section, using the name you typed.
To add another section, click the Create New Section link and repeat steps 3 and 4.
To change the order in which sections appear, click the icon to the left of the section and drag it to the desired spot in the order.
To change a section’s name, click its Edit link (it looks like a pencil), type a new name for the section, and click the Save button. To delete a section, click the Delete link (it looks like a trash can). Etsy prompts you to confirm the deletion; click OK. (Note that deleting a section doesn’t delete the listings in that section.)
If you haven’t created any shop listings yet, you can’t view sections on your shop’s main page. After you create a listing, however — and assign it to a section — that section gets listed along the left side of your Etsy shop page.