When deploying small-business marketing strategies, n addition to creating your hub website, you may have developed sites either as subdomains within your primary domain name or with auxiliary domain names. These sites may take several forms:
Reproduced with permission of Hutton Broadcasting, LLC
Google Analytics displays Social Value in chart and linear forms as part of the Social Overview page.
- Microsites: These small, dedicated sites that have their own domain names are usually developed for a specific event, product or product line, service, or another promotion, or as specialized landing pages for an advertising campaign. Whether the microsite is permanent or temporary, you must make a strategic choice to create one, judging cost, branding needs, search engine optimization (SEO), and other marketing efforts against potential benefits.
- Blogs: All blogs and other information-sharing sites, such as webinars and wikis, can be fully tracked with analytical software. Some sites, such as Ning and Blogger, offer Google Analytics integration, but not all hosted solutions do so. Although you can obtain statistics from certain hosted communities or third parties, you may not be able to customize them or integrate them with your other statistics.
- Communities: All Ning communities, as well as forums, chat rooms, and message boards, fall into this category. Although they may have their own internal statistics, also investigate whether you can customize those statistics to meet your needs before you select software or a hosted platform. For instance, Yahoo! Groups and Google Groups are inexpensive community alternatives, but they provide only limited statistics.
- Conversion rate: You’re already computing the percentage of visitors who complete tangible goals on your primary website, whether they purchase a product or complete a request form. Now compare the conversion rate (for the same available goal) by traffic source to the average conversion rate across all sources for that goal. The following figure displays the Social Value option in Google Analytics, which analyzes conversion rate to assess the relative value of links from various social media. (Go to Acquisition > Social > Overview and scroll down.)

Google Analytics displays Social Value in chart and linear forms as part of the Social Overview page.
- Sales and lead generation: These numbers may come from your storefront package or be based on measurements tracked offline.
- Downloads: Track the number of times users download video or audio files, slide-show PDF files, white papers, or application forms from your sites.
- Pages per view, pages viewed: Microsites, communities, and blogs usually offer enough content to make these parameters reasonable to measure. Tracking this information by social source, however, can be valuable. Page views are available for most blogs but not necessarily for all other services.
- Time per visit: The average length of time spent viewing material is a good, but not exact, proxy for the number of pages per view. Naturally, users spend less time reading a single tweet than they might spend on your blog or website, but fractions of a second are indications of trouble everywhere.
- Bounce rate: For another indication of interest in your content, determine the percentage of visitors who leave without visiting a second page (related to time per visit). Like with pages per view or time per visit, the bounce rate may be a bit misleading. If many people have bookmarked a page so that they can immediately find the information they want, your bounce rate may be higher than expected, although pages per view or time per visit may be low. You may want to sort bounces by upstream source.