Guest blogging increases brand awareness for you micro-entrepreneurial business and improves traffic to your own business blog or website. Guest blogging involves writing articles or posts for someone’s already established and well-trafficked blog. By piggy-backing on someone else’s success, you can market your micro-entrepreneurial business offerings.
Guest blogging can simultaneously help you get visitors to your blog (or subscribers to your ezine sign-up page) as well as elevate your reputation (or brand).
You should consider guest blogging a must in your overall marketing action plan . . . regardless of what you’re offering.
Guest blogging isn’t that difficult. If you want to guest blog, keep these points to keep in mind:
Get familiar with the blog that you want to write for before you make any inquiry about writing. Read it thoroughly and regularly. Get to know it inside and out. Make it a point of reading any guest blogs you come across and analyze their content. Look at what and how they utilize their guest posts from a marketing point of view.
If possible, go to the blog and regularly make comments on blog posts and regularly email the writers in a positive and professional manner. Doing this can elevate your exposure at the blog and build rapport with both the blog’s audience and participants.
After some time has passed (a few weeks of activity or longer) and you have developed some rapport, inquire about what the blog’s guidelines and needs are regarding guest posting. Many successful blogs welcome guest posts, especially if they believe that their blog and/or audience can benefit from that person’s content.
After you review the blog’s requirements, submit a blog post that comes as close as possible to what the blog’s stated desires are. Write your post so it’s similar in look and feel to the blog’s other posts. Ask a trusted friend to proofread or edit it.
Make sure the post is in-line with your marketing purpose. Avoid any hard sell when you guest blog (or you may not be invited back). Use the platform to build awareness of you and your blog.
If links are allowed (usually at least one link is), then link to your blog (no affiliate link in your initial blog). Any link may be to a free offer at your blog. Most guest blogging is done for free (you give them content and they give you exposure).
In addition to this list, find out as much as you can about guest blogging. These resources offer lots of information about effective guest blogging: