You can personalize your Etsy shop in any number of ways. This personalization is critical to ensuring that your Etsy business stands out from the crowd and helps promote your brand. And anyway, it's fun!
- Add a cover photo. A cover photo is a graphic that runs across the top of your shop's main page. You can create a cover photo from scratch by using any number of graphics programs.
- Include a shop title and shop announcement. Think of your shop title as a tag line of sorts. It briefly sums up what your shop is about. In contrast, your shop announcement trumpets what you sell, the types of materials or ingredients you use, or your artistic philosophy. Your shop announcement could also broadcast when your next sale will be.
- Populate your shop's About section. Sharing your shop's story in the About section helps garner additional interest in you and your shop among buyers.
- Use sections to organize your goods. If you sell different types of items — say, magnets, notebooks, and picture frames — you can use sections to organize your shop by item. Even if you don't sell different types of items — maybe you're all about knit caps — you can use sections to organize your goods by, say, yarn type, size, or price.
- Choose a strong shop icon. Your shop icon is the image that represents your store across Etsy. Be sure to select a shop icon that reflects well on you and your shop.