Planning a business start-up takes a lot of work. But you don’t have to do it all alone. You can and should get professional help with many of the tasks involved, and at the very least, you need a lawyer, an accountant, and an insurance agent or broker. The following list will help you determine who else you might need on your team.
Advertising firm and/or media relations firm: To help you get the word out about your business
Business coach: To help you acquire presentation skills, get pointers on power dressing, pick up business etiquette, and even improve your table manners (for those four-fork lunches with potential investors and customers)
Business evaluator: To help you decide on the value of a business you are thinking of buying
Computer systems consultant: To help you choose and set up your computer equipment and choose and install your software
Graphic designer: To help you design a business logo, your business cards, and letterhead
Human resources specialist (also known as a headhunter): To help you hire staff
Interior designer: To help you set up your business premises attractively
Management consultant: To help you polish your management skills
Marketing consultant: To help you identify the market for your product or service and determine how best to reach that market
Website designer: To help you create a great website for your business