To set up Etsy Promoted Listings, follow these steps:
- Click the Shop Manager link along the top of any Etsy Marketplace page. The main Shop Manager page opens.
- Click the Promote link on the left side of the page and choose Advertising Options in the pane that appears.
The Etsy Advertising page appears.
The Etsy Advertising page. - Click the Start Advertising on Etsy button.
The Promoted Listings page opens.
The Promoted Listings page. - Enter your daily budget. This can range from $1 to $10. (The more you spend, the more impressions you'll get.)
- If you want new listings to be automatically included in your ad buy, toggle on the Automatically Advertise New Listings setting.
- Click the Start Advertising button. Etsy sets up your Promoted Listings campaign. Then it displays the Advertising dashboard with the Promoted Listings tab displayed. From here, you can view stats on ad performance and sales from ads.

The Advertising dashboard with Promoted Listings info displayed.
When you launch Promoted Listings, it will remain in effect until you discontinue it. To do so, click the Manage link near the top of the Promoted Listings page of the Advertising dashboard. The Manage Promoted Listings page opens. Then toggle the Advertise with Promoted Listings setting off to disable it. (To re-enable the feature, you simply toggle the Advertise Promoted Listings setting back on.)

The Manage Promoted Listings page.