Keep in mind that you’re not expected to join every single networking site that comes your way to find a job. Remember Google Buzz? No? Exactly! Before joining a site, think about what you’re trying to accomplish and what your strategy is.
For example, if you’re looking for an international job, then consider some of the more internationally focused networks. If you’re a creative professional and want to display your work and get found by specialized recruiters, then consider joining one or two networks for professional creatives.
The trick to social networking is simple: Join the networks that have the highest leverage to get you where you need to go. The big three (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter) should be low-hanging fruit for you. They have the largest number of members. But some other, more niche networks may help you achieve your goals also. So consider joining one or two lesser-known networks in addition to the big three.
The only downside to joining several networks is not having the time to stay active on them. If you find yourself not able to keep up with all your networks, delete the one you’re the least active in. Deleting your account is much better than letting a forgotten profile languish in obscurity.
Whatever you do, don’t let inactive profiles hang around forever. As your personal brand changes over time, these forgotten profiles can pop up during background checks. Your online profiles should be your assets; manage them accordingly.