Twitter is a great job seeking tool for generating a hiring manager’s curiosity about you. The short bursts of interesting content directed at your target company can leave people wanting more and with the impression that you really know what you’re talking about.
A great way to generate some curiosity is to send a hiring manager an @reply message. An @reply is any tweet that includes the Twitter username of someone with the @sign in front, like @name.
An @reply is a public tweet that the hiring manger is alerted to. But because you don’t want to keep this conversation in the public domain, try asking for a DM reply. A DM, or direct message, is a private tweet. Try something like, “I have some ideas that may help you with improving supply-chain costs. DM me back with an e-mail.”
The problem is that if you ask for a DM right away, people may think you’re spamming them. This is why you really should retweet them, send them interesting tweets, and begin to engage with them by asking questions or asking for their opinion on matters.
Knowing what’s relevant to hiring managers separates you from all the other job seekers they interact with on a daily basis. Take the time to research any problems that the company — and consequently the hiring manager — may be facing. If you do, you’ll automatically know what to say to get a hiring manager’s attention.