LinkedIn now offers you greater flexibility with what types of content you can add to your profile to help your job search. In addition to the standard Experience, Education, and Additional Information sections, you can also add the sections in the following list to reflect achievements and experiences. To add sections, just click on the Recommended for you section on you profile display.
Certifications: Certifications are particularly important to highlight if you’re an engineer.
Language: Options include native or bilingual, professional working, and elementary proficiencies.
Patents: Okay, Mr. Smarty-Pants, so you have some patents under your belt. Go ahead and let everyone know how brilliant you are!
Publications: Have you written any articles that have been published in a major newspaper or magazine? Adding these publications to your profile can really boost your credibility.
Honors & Awards: Often your resume doesn’t have room for all your awards, so here’s a great place to get them listed.
Courses: This section is great for college students and new grads. It lets you discuss your favorite and most important courses during school. Highlighting these can really show your passion for what you do.
Projects: Often your Experience section deals with overviews of your past jobs. This section lets you dig deeper into a particular project you’re proud of. You can also include collaborators to show that you work well in teams.
Causes: Try to avoid the political or religious causes you may believe in. Instead, include social issues you care about, like hunger, AIDS, cancer, or organic basketballs.
Volunteering: If you’ve ever been a volunteer or worked with volunteers, include that information here.
You can reorder every part of your profile. After you add the new section, just drag it to the place where you want it to display.