As your online presence grows, so do your chances of getting discovered by a job recruiter and receiving an unsolicited call. The more engaged you are online, the better off you’ll be in your search for a great job.
But where exactly do you start when you’re looking to expand your online presence? Getting yourself on Twitter and Facebook, if you aren’t already, is worth your time. Twitter is hands down one of the most active recruiting tools (aside from LinkedIn).
Not a day goes by that some HR recruiter or hiring manager doesn’t hit up Twitter searching for talent. As for Facebook, it is the best avenue into a target company is through your trusted friends and family. By building trust and making your intentions clear to your friends, Facebook will quickly become your most powerful (and secret) weapon for career advancement.
To cast your social media net even farther, start participating in some of the lesser-known networks. Your options range from general professional networking sites to niche networks, such as those for creative professionals and people seeking international employment. You never know when a recruiter on these sites could have a line on the perfect job for you.