Indicators of price movement and volume on a stock can be a helpful tool to enhance your stock chart style. Here are the key indicators to focus on:
- Relative strength indicator (RSI): Shows how strongly a stock is moving in its current direction, whether up or down
- Chaikin money flow (CMF): Combines price and volume to show the movement of money in and out of a stock
- On-balance volume (OBV): Combines price and volume to show how money is moving in and out of a stock
- Percent price oscillator (PPO): The percentage-based version of the moving average convergence divergence indicator (MACD)
- Percent volume oscillator (PVO): The PPO indicator applied to volume rather than price
- Force index: Shows the movement of price and volume
- Price momentum oscillator (PMO): Tracks the stock's rate of change
- Stochastics: Show speed of stock price relative to past movements
- StockCharts technical ranking (SCTR): Ranking based on a stock's technical strength