Applying for benefits under the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Active Duty Montgomery GI Bill (ADMGIB), and the Selected Reserve GI Bill (SRMGIB) is rather easy, considering these programs are administered by the federal government. Just follow these steps:
Find out if the program you want to participate in is approved for VA education benefits.
You can check with the school’s financial aid office or training facility employment office, or contact the VA. If the facility hasn’t requested approval before, ask the school or training facility official to contact the VA to request approval.
Complete VA Form 22-1990 and submit it to the appropriate VA regional office.
You can get the application form in several ways:
If the school or facility you want to attend is already approved for VA education benefits, the financial aid office will likely have copies.
You can also get the form online, print it, and mail it in.
You can apply for the benefit online and submit your application electronically.
If you apply online, you must still print the signature page and send it to the VA, because the agency needs your original signature to begin payments. If you’re on active duty, your education services officer must also sign your application.
You can call 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) and request an application. (You may have difficulty getting through quickly, especially when school enrollments are heavy. You may have more success by going to the Internet site.)
Ask the school or training official to certify your enrollment to VA.
If the program has been approved for VA benefits, check in with the school or training facility official who certifies enrollments for VA benefits. At a school, this certifying official may be in one of the following offices: financial aid, veterans affairs, registrar, admissions, counseling, or others. For on-the-job training or an apprenticeship, the official may be in the training, finance, personnel, or other office.
The certifying official at the school or education facility isn’t a VA employee and can’t make decisions about your eligibility for VA benefits.
The VA will review your application and let you know whether anything else is needed to begin payments.
If you haven’t decided on a program or simply want a determination of your eligibility for the GI Bill, just submit the application to the appropriate VA regional office. If you’re eligible, you’ll receive a Certificate of Eligibility showing how long you’re eligible and how many months of benefits you can receive.