A good way to beat sweets is to engage in an enjoyable substitute activity whenever you have a sugar craving. Try to find activities that you enjoy and that you find meaningful. Doing something good for someone else is a great way to get your mind off sugar. Here are some suggestions:
Do a Sudoku puzzle or play chess or Scrabble on the computer — keep your brain occupied!
Do some crunches or jumping jacks.
Find a new charity you like and send a donation.
If you have a partner, write a love note.
Look up a long-lost friend on Facebook and say hi.
Look up a subject that interests you and learn something new about it.
Make a list of movies you want to see or books you want to read.
Make a list of things to talk about with your partner, therapist, or best friend.
Phone a friend or family member to catch up.
Pick something in the house that needs fixed or cleaned and attend to it.
Play with your pet. If you don't have a pet, go to a shelter and give some love to one of the animals there.
Ride your bike.
Take a digital camera or your cellphone and go look for interesting or artistic pictures to take.
Take a walk.
Update your bucket list.
Visit someone in the hospital or in hospice.
Write an apology letter to someone you've wronged.