The following table contains a listing of commands that you use relatively often in MATLAB. You won't find every command listed — that would require a book in itself. However, these commands are usually used several times each session.
Command | Purpose |
cla | Clears the current plot |
clc | Clears the Command window |
clear variable name> | Removes a specific variable from the Workspace window (as specified by variable name>) |
clear all | Removes all of the variables from the Workspace window |
close figure name> | Closes a specific figure (as specified by figure name>) |
close all | Closes all of the current figures |
diary filename> | Specifies the name of the file to use for the Diary feature |
diary off | Stops saving the Command window text to a file |
diary on | Starts saving the Command window text to a file |
exist keyword> | Checks whether a keyword or file is in use |
format compact | Removes extraneous spaces from the Command window |
gca | Obtains a handle to the current axes |
gcf | Obtains a handle to the current figure |
gco | Obtains a handle to the current object |
get(handle>, property>) | Obtains the property> found in the object pointed at by handle> |
help command or file> | Displays help documentation for the command> or comments in files you've created |
iskeyword | Displays a list of all the MATLAB keywords |
iskeyword name> | Determines whether name> is a keyword |
load filename> | Loads the file containing variables to the Workspace window |
more off | Displays output using standard scrolling so that all of the output appears at one time |
more on | Tells MATLAB to display output one screen at a time |
save filename> | Saves the variables shown in the Workspace window to the specified file |
set(handle>, property>, value>) | Sets the property> found in the object pointed at by handle> to the specified value> |