Touch typists find that using keyboard shortcuts makes them even faster than normal. Of course, you need to know the keyboard shortcuts before you can use them. The following table contains the keyboard shortcuts used most often in Visual Studio 2017. You can find a complete list of keyboard shortcuts online.
Shortcut | Purpose |
Alt-Enter | Show the properties panel for a selected object |
Alt-Shift-A | Add an existing item to the project |
Ctrl-Alt-L | Show Solution Explorer |
Ctrl-Alt-P | Attach the debugger to a process |
Ctrl-B + Ctrl-T | Toggle code bookmark |
Ctrl-F | Display the Find dialog |
Ctrl-F5 | Start a project without debugging |
Ctrl-H | Display the Replace dialog |
Ctrl-K+Ctrl-C | Comment a selected block of code |
Ctrl-K+Ctrl-U | Un-comment a selected block of code |
Ctrl-M +Ctrl+M | Expand or collapse a selected code fragment (toggle) |
Ctrl-M +Ctrl-O | Collapse all code to definitions |
Ctrl-M +Ctrl-P | Expand all definitions to code |
Ctrl-N | Add a new file |
Ctrl-S | Save file |
Ctrl-Shift-A | Add a new item to the project |
Ctrl-Shift-B | Build solution |
Ctrl-Shift-Tab | Scroll backwards through open windows |
Ctrl-Tab | Scroll forward through open windows |
Ctrl-Y | Redo typing |
Ctrl-Z | Undo typing |
F5 | Start a project in debug mode |
F6 | Build solution |
F7 | Show the code window |
Shift-Alt-C | Add a new class to the project |
Shift-F6 | Build project |
Shift-F7 | Show the designer window |