
Conjugating the Spanish Verb Caminar (to Walk)

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2016-03-26 23:08:58
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Spanish verbs fall into different groups, and each group is conjugated a little differently. If you’re going to master Spanish verbs like caminar, you need to be able to identify which group a verb belongs to: regular (follows regular conjugation rules for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs), stem-changing (morphs depending on how you use it in a sentence), spelling-changing (has consonant-spelling changes in some forms to follow pronunciation rules), or reflexive (reflects the action back on the subject of the sentence).

Caminar (kah-mee-nahr) (to walk) is a regular verb of the -ar persuasion, so its conjugation is pretty straightforward. Here it is in the present tense:

The Present Tense of Caminar
Conjugation Translation
yo camino I walk
tú caminas You (informal) walk
él/ella/ello/uno camina He/she/one walks
usted camina You (formal) walk
nosotros caminamos We walk
vosotros camináis You all (informal) walk
ellos/ellas caminan They walk
ustedes caminan You all (formal) walk

The following examples show you caminar at work:

  • Yo camino en el parque todos los domingos. (I walk in the park every Sunday.)

  • Ellos caminan a su perro mucho. (They walk their dog a lot.)

Need to know how to conjugate caminar in another tense? The following tables show you the preterit, imperfect, and future forms.

The Preterit Tense of Caminar
Conjugation Translation
yo caminé I walked
tú caminaste You (informal) walked
él/ella/ello/uno caminó He/she/one walked
usted caminó You (formal) walked
nosotros caminamos We walk
vosotros caminasteis You all (informal) walked
ellos/ellas caminaron They walked
ustedes caminaron You all (formal) walked

You use the preterit tense like this:

  • ¿Caminaste al centro esta mañana? (Did you walk downtown this morning?)

  • Caminé hasta el teatro esta tarde. (I walked to the theater this afternoon.)

The Imperfect Tense of Caminar
Conjugation Translation
yo caminaba I used to walk
tú caminabas You (informal) used to walk
él/ella/ello/uno caminaba He/she/one used to walk
usted caminaba You (formal) used to walk
nosotros caminábamos We used to walk
vosotros caminabais You all (informal) used to walk
ellos/ellas caminaban They used to walk
ustedes caminaban You all (formal) used to walk

Check out these examples of the imperfect tense:

  • ¿Caminabas con tu papá todos los días? (Did you use to walk with your dad every day? )

  • Caminaban siempre con sus amigos. (They always walked with their friends.)

The Future Tense of Caminar
Conjugation Translation
yo caminaré I will walk
tú caminarás You (informal) will walk
él/ella/ello/uno caminará He/she/one will walk
usted caminará You (formal) will walk
nosotros caminaremos We will walk
vosotros caminaréis You all (informal) will walk
ellos/ellas caminarán They will walk
ustedes caminarán You all (formal) will walk

The following samples show the future tense in action:

  • ¿Caminarán ustedes por esa calle? (Will you walk along that street?)

  • Caminaremos con cuidado por ese lugar. (We will walk carefully by that place.)

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