Having IBS often means you’re doing more cooking — but some days you just want some fuss-free food. Keep your pantry well-stocked with IBS-friendly staples — basic ingredients for cooking and ready-to-go timesavers that may be a little safer for your system than the versions you’re used to:
Safer flours: Brown rice, almond, coconut, millet, and potato flour
Safer (non-wheat) grains: Buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and amaranth
Safer snacks: Rice cakes, baked organic corn chips, baked potato chips, soaked nuts (cashews, almonds, pecans, and macadamia nuts), and fruit (especially applesauce and bananas)
Safer drinks: Homemade smoothies, and broths (chicken, vegetable, and beef)
Safer breakfast cereals: Oats and oatmeal, rice puffs, millet puffs and kamut puffs
Safer lunch items: Gluten- and dairy-free frozen meals and low-mercury canned (in water) or pouched (without added oil) tuna
Safer dinner options: Home-cooked dishes that include protein (lean ground beef and turkey, chicken breasts, canned salmon, tofu, and fish) and carbohydrates from your safe food list (grains, beans, and vegetables such as peas and carrots)