It's important to develop your content marketing strategy before you start writing your actual content pieces. You need to understand what your overall company goals are so that you create content that will help you reach those goals. It's not unusual for companies without a solid strategy to produce content that they think will be engaging, only to find that it misses the mark. It doesn't engage customers or move them toward their business goals.
If you follow the Five Cs method set forth in the book, you will find that everything you need to create your strategy is covered. Here are the five Cs: (1) determine the company focus; (2) discover the ideal customer experience; (3) create the right content; (4) develop channel promotions; and (5) do a check-back analysis.
In the book, you'll find lots of mind maps as well as links to worksheets to help you create your working strategy. You can also download color versions of the mind maps.
Click here to access the Content Marketing Strategies mind maps and worksheets.