Your strategies are the general methods you intend to use to reach your vision. Although strategies are embedded in all elements of your strategic plans, consider listing the top one to two strategies or long-term activities your company needs to pursue in order to achieve its vision.
A strategy is like an umbrella. It’s a general statement(s) that guides and covers a set of activities. You can develop strategies for your whole organization, a department, or a specific set of activities. No matter what the level, strategies answer the question of how you do something in simple, clear language that everyone can understand and get behind.
Here are a few sample strategies:
Starbucks: To build the brand one cup at a time, based on three key ingredients: the quality of the coffee, their retail stores, and selective brand extensions
The Boy Scouts of America: Consistently delivering the youth experience to a growing membership base
The Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada: To move toward economic development and to increase the base of companies contributing to the region’s measurable quality of life to ensure long-term vitality of the community