
How to Complete the eBay 'Sell an Item' Form

2017-06-20 19:28:36
eBay For Seniors For Dummies
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Although the eBay Sell an Item form looks daunting, filling out its many sections doesn’t task as long as you may think. Some questions you’re asked aren’t things you even have to think about; just click an answer. Other questions ask you to type information.

You can find eBay’s Sell an Item form by using either of these methods:

  • Click the Sell link on the navigation bar at the top of the eBay home page. eBay allows you to select your category and download the Sell an Item page in seconds.

  • Start your listing from your My eBay page. Just click the Sell Similar link (on the All Selling page) next to one of your existing items. Using the form that appears, you can change the item data.

At the top of the Sell an Item page, you see a link that invites you to a kinder, simpler listing form. Please don’t use it. Yes, the form is simpler: It’s a stripped-down version of the regular form — and though easier, it leaves off some important options that you will have to change from listing to listing. Take your sales seriously and use the full listing form — that way you get all of eBay’s benefits.

This table outlines the info you’re asked to fill out as you complete the listing form.

Sell an Item Information
Form Element Required or Optional What It Means / What It Costs
Category Required The category under which you’ve decided to list your item.
Title Required The name of your item.
Description Required What you want to tell eBay buyers about your item.
eBay Picture Services Optional A way to upload a picture for your listing. You get a free Preview picture at the top of your listing and Gallery in search.
Picture Optional You can add your item’s picture to eBay’s search and the top of your listing. There’s no charge to add the basic picture, but it will set you back $0.75 if you want a special picture that gets larger when a user drags his mouse pointer over it.
Picture URL Optional If you want to include an image that is hosted on another Web site, you must include the Web address of the JPEG image you want. If you just want to upload a picture from your computer, use eBay’s Picture Service.
Item location Required The region, city, and country from which the item will be shipped
Quantity Required If your listing is an auction, the quantity is always one per listing.
Starting price Required The starting price you set.
Selling price Required If this is a fixed-price listing, you have to post your selling price.
Best Offer Optional If you’d like to allow prospective buyers to make offers on your item, click this box.
Duration Required The number of days you want the listing to run.
Reserve price Optional A hidden target price you set, which must be met before the item can be sold. eBay charges you a fee for this feature.
Private auction Optional You can keep the identity of bidders secret with this option.
Buy It Now Optional You can sell your item directly to the first buyer who meets this price.
List item in two categories Optional If you want to double your exposure (and your listing fees), you can list your item in two categories.
Featured First Optional Only top-rated sellers can have their auction appear at the top of the category when the listing displays in a Best Match sort. eBay charges $24.95 extra for this feature; $74.95 for a listing that lasts 30 days.
Boldface Title Optional A selling option to make your item listing stand out. eBay charges $2.00 ($4.00 for 30 days) extra for this feature.
Free Counter Optional If you want to have a free counter that counts off every visit to your listing, indicate so here.
Handling Time Required The maximum days you will let elapse between getting the money and shipping the item. Don’t wait more than 48 hours.
Ship-to locations Optional Here’s where you indicate where you’re willing to ship an item. If you don’t want to ship out of the United States, check that option. You can individually select different countries that you are willing to ship to.
Shipping and handling charges Required Your shipping charge. If your item isn’t very large, list a flat shipping fee for your item. eBay takes that into account when deciding how your item shows up in Search and raises your visibility. For larger items, consider eBay’s handy Shipping Calculator.
Payment instructions Optional You’re required to accept PayPal. If you want to offer the option to pay with a different electronic payment service, mention that as well. This information appears at the top of your sale when the sale is completed, under the Shipping and Payments tab of the listing while it’s active, and in the End of Listing e-mail.
PayPal and immediate payment Optional Fill in this area if you want to require the high bidder to pay through PayPal immediately when using Buy It Now. Add the Immediate Payment option if you know the shipping amount and would like the winner to pay with a click of the mouse.
Return policy Required Whether you do or don’t accept returns, say so. You can give the customer as few as three days to return the item (that cuts down on spurious returns).

About This Article

This article is from the book: 

About the book author:

Marsha Collier is a renowned social media strategist and bestselling author. She authored all editions of eBay For Dummies and co-hosts Computer and Technology Radio. Marsha even made headlines in 2014 when her husband proposed to her over Twitter—the first social media engagement on record!