If you own intellectual property that you think is being infringed upon on the eBay site, you should take advantage of the eBay Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) program. Owners of trademarked or copyrighted items and logos, as well as other forms of intellectual property, can become members of this program for free.
You can find out more about the eBay VeRO program by clicking the Help link on the main navigation bar. Read eBay’s current VeRO policy and if you qualify, click to download the form, fill it out, and fax it to eBay. Then you’re on your way to protecting your intellectual property from being grabbed and auctioned off to the highest bidder without your consent.
Remember, only you can stop the infringement madness. If eBay agrees with you that your intellectual property is being infringed upon, it invalidates the auction and informs the seller by e-mail that the auction “is not authorized.” The high bidders in the auction are also notified and warned that they may be breaking the law if they continue the transaction.
If eBay claims that an item you’re selling is invalid because the item doesn’t meet eBay’s policies and guidelines, you can find out why by checking Why did eBay remove my listing?. If you still feel you’re in the right, scroll down the page to the Contact Us link. Click there to plead your case.