
How to Set Your Computer's Screen Resolution

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2017-06-20 18:50:07
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Digital Literacy For Dummies
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You can modify your screen resolution setting, which controls how sharp and detailed a picture your screen displays. You can adjust your screen resolution to not only affect the crispness of images on your screen but also to display items larger on your screen, which could help you if you have visual challenges.

Higher resolutions, such as 1400 x 1250, produce smaller, crisper images. Lower resolutions, such as 800 x 600, produce larger, somewhat jagged images. The upside of higher resolution is that more fits on your screen; the downside is that words and graphics can be hard to see.

To set your screen’s resolution:

  1. Choose Start→Control Panel→Appearance and Personalization and click the Adjust Screen Resolution link.

    The Screen Resolution window appears. (The Advanced Settings link in the Screen Resolution window displays another dialog box where you can work with color management and monitor settings.)

  2. Click the arrow to the right of the Resolution field and use the slider to select a higher or lower resolution.

    You can also change the orientation of your display by making a choice in the Orientation drop-down list.

  3. Click OK.

    The new screen resolution is accepted.

  4. Click the Close button.

    The window closes.

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