You can search for items on eBay without signing in, but what fun is that? If you haven’t registered with eBay, you’re pretty much out of luck if you find a great deal on a lamp that’s just what you’ve been looking for — and the auction closes in five minutes!
To sign in to eBay:
Click the Sign In link on the home page or at the top of any eBay page.
You arrive at the sign-in page.
Type your user ID and password in the boxes where indicated.
You choose these items when you registered for eBay. You must complete the registration process before you can sign in.
Select the Keep Me Signed In for Today check box — as long as you’re not at a public computer.
The Sign In process places a cookie (a technical thingy that identifies you to eBay) on your computer. On the Sign In page, click to check the box that says Keep Me Signed In for Today. When you do, the cookie remains a part of your computer for the rest of the day. If you don’t check the box, you stay signed in only while your browser is open. After you close your browser, the cookie expires, and you have to sign in again.
Click the Sign In button.
You’re signed in to eBay where you can search and transact on the site with ease.