All too often, knitters choose a pattern that everybody is making, shell out for yarn, and spend hours knitting only to finish and realize that they don’t like the garment because that shape looks terrible on them. Taking the time to choose the best garment shape for your body type can save you hours spent knitting the wrong sweater.
Here are some tips on choosing the right shape for you:
Go to the closet. To get a good grip on what shape of clothes you like to wear, look in your closet to see what you buy from the ready-to-wear stores. Your closet is a great place to start because it gives you an idea of what your garment shape tendencies are.
Try on some of your clothes. Use a long mirror and really look at the garment on you. Pay attention to what you like about the garment. You may want to have a friend over to describe what he or she likes about the piece on you.
Take notes about your favorite pieces. Write down what you like about some of your favorite garments. Draw a rough picture of the shape or take a photo. Note the type of fabric, the feel of the fabric (does it drape or is it stiff?), and the color.
Get out the measuring tape. Take measurements of a garment you like — especially the hem, waist, bust, armhole depth, neckline width and depth, and sleeve width and length — and add them to your notes. You can compare these measurements with any knitting pattern schematic to help you choose the right size.
Now you have a comprehensive understanding of what you already like in a garment and can choose knitting patterns that you’ll actually wear when the knitting is done.