Using liquid starch to block your crochet or knitting allows for varying levels of crispness. Before you block with liquid starch (or commercial fabric stiffener), read the manufacturer’s directions for the amount of starch you need and whether you need to dilute or not.
Hand wash your design gently in cool water with a mild soap.
Rinse the design several times to remove all soap residue.
Prepare the liquid starch solution according to the directions on the bottle.
Use a clean bowl, tub, or sink.
Immerse your crocheted item in the starch solution and allow the solution to penetrate the fabric.
This step usually takes only a couple of minutes.
Prepare a blocking surface suitable for pinning down your design.
Try a cardboard or foam board that you’ve covered with plastic wrap.
Remove the item from the solution and blot your crocheted item.
Use a clean, dry towel, removing any extra solution.
With rustproof pins, pin out the design on your blocking board to the required dimensions.

Take extra care to shape stitch patterns.
After pinning, blot the design again to remove excess solution.
If you’re using commercial fabric stiffener, be extra careful to remove as much excess solution as possible. When dry, the solution can leave a hard residue, obscuring the design.
Allow your masterpiece to dry completely before removing the pins.
If you move it before it’s completely dry, it won’t dry flat.