Knit twists are diminutive cousins of the knit cable. You can knit the twist to the right or knit the twist to the left. Either way, a knitted twist consists of 2 stitches — 1 stitch crossing over its neighbor (right over left or left over right).
Try your hand at knitting a twist to the right.
Slip the 2 designated twist stitches one at a time from the LH needle to the RH needle.
Always slip a stitch as if to purl unless your instructions tell you to do otherwise.
Move the tip of the LH needle behind the RH needle, pass up the first slipped stitch and enter the second slipped stitch from left to right.

Leave the tip of the LH needle in the slipped stitch.
Gently slide the RH needle out of both stitches.
Leave the second stitch on the LH needle hanging.
Bring the tip of the RH needle around to the front and insert it into the hanging stitch.

This step is where the twist comes in.
Transfer this stitch to the LH needle.
Both stitches are back on the LH needle, with the second one overlapping the first to the right.
Knit both stitches in the usual way.
Creating a twist is as easy as that.