With fuzzy or highly textured yarns, it can be difficult to see your stitches clearly enough to take an accurate measurement by counting stitches. In this case, use the following steps to measure your gauge:
Make a swatch larger than 4 inches and write down the total number of stitches and rows in your swatch.
Measure the entire swatch side to side and top to bottom.
Use a calculator to plug your numbers into the formulas that follow:
To find stitch gauge (number of horizontal stitches per inch): Divide the number of stitches in the swatch by the width of the swatch in inches. This gives you the number of stitches per inch.
To find row gauge (number of vertical stitches per inch): Divide the number of rows by the overall length of the swatch in inches. This gives you the number of rows per inch.
To find your gauge over 4 inches, multiply stitches per inch or rows per inch by 4.